
We know you’re busy. Let us do the heavy-lifting. Explore the sites below to find featured websites that T3 knows will help you explore Pre-K through 12 education tools, postsecondary resources and career exploration assets. To us, postsecondary means any learning after high school, whether that’s a community college, Big Ten university, apprenticeships, mentoring, certification programs and more. Our resources point educators, businesses, parents and students toward national, regional and local tools we've found are best-in-class to help our region become the exemplary STEAM region in America.

Lansing Community College

LCC is one of the most comprehensive colleges focused upon offering learning opportunities in four areas: career and workforce development, general education, developmental education, and personal enrichment.

Michigan State University

MSU is one of the top research universities in the world. Home to nationally ranked and recognized academic, residential college, and service-learning programs, MSU is a diverse community of dedicated students and scholars, athletes and artists, scientists and leaders.

Capital Area College Access Network

The Capital Area College Access Network promotes college and career readiness and access for the Capital Area.

Clinton County RESA

Clinton County RESA provides educational support to students in Clinton County.

Eaton RESA

Eaton RESA provides educational opportunities to students in the Eaton school district.

MI Capital Region

From economy and financial health statistics, to education and talent and everything in between, MI Capital Region has you covered.

Going Pro

Going Pro highlights skilled trades jobs in Michigan with information about the trades for you to explore. Plus, search for available skilled trades jobs with their job search database.


Pathfinder helps you search for exciting and interesting careers, discover what schools offer the programs you are interested in, comparisons of programs and careers and see job projections and wages.